Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Crossbreed
- Noah
- Daniel
- David
- Joshua
- Peter
- Mary
- Enelsians
- Shadow Hill Killer (First Appearance)
Other Characters:
- Colonial (First Appearance)
- Bullroarer (First Appearance)
- Kookaburra (First Appearance)
- Barrier (First Appearance)
- Silversmith (First Appearance)
- Skyscraper (First Appearance)
- The Real Thing (First Appearance)
- The Untouchable (First Appearance)
- Birds of Paradise (First Appearance)
- Anansi (First Appearance)
- Iron Cross (First Appearance)
- Mountain Gnomes (First Appearance)
- Glittertinden Trolls (First Appearance)
- Honor Guard
- Gentleman
- Winged Victory
- Hanged Man
- The Confessor (corpse)
- First Family
- Augustus Furst
- Julius Furst
- Natalie Furst
- Nick Furst
- Tamra Dixon
- Astro City
- Grandenetti Cathedral
- Canberra
- Guanabara Bay
- Stuttgart
- Hortensfjord
- Earth
Synopsis for 1st story
- Synopsis not yet written
- A few heroes are mentioned defending Astro City from the invasion of Enelsians but are never seen. They are Crackerjack, the Irregulars, Nightingale, and Sunbird.