Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gennady Markov
  • Dr. Misha (First Appearance)




  • Black Talon

Synopsis for 1st story

Shire and her team arrive in rural Montana and reconnoiter the area.  Donovan Crane soon finds them, and, after a brief skirmish, they ask for his help.  He refuses until Shire explains they are after Markov.  At IO, Rios briefs Ben Santini and the other department heads on the incident at Spectrum, and an analyst has positively identified Shire as the assassin.  In Montana, Crane tells the team he will lead them, but they have to end their reliance on hi-tech armor and weapons.  While Crane trains the rest of the team in traditional soldiering and combat tactics, Geek uses some of Crane’s stored equipment to build a combat droid he dubs H.E.R.B., short for Hazardous Environment Remote Bot.  After receiving intelligence from his contact in IO, Geek informs the team their location has been compromised, and a team of Black Razors is on its way.  Elsewhere, Markov watches as his engineers build a new weapons system and boasts of his plan to use it to take over Russia.  One engineer, Dr. Misha, asks him about his alliance with Craven, and he responds by backhanding her and dismissing her concerns.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Black Ops trade paperback published in 1996.


  • The song Geek sings just before he finds the equipment to build H.E.R.B. is the 1994 song "Closer" by the American rock band Nine Inch Nails.

See Also

Links and References

