Image Comics Database

Appearing in "The Hills are Alive!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Didelphis


  • Eyrth Mover (First Appearance) (appears in both flashback and main story)

Other Characters:

  • Thelma Lou (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "The Hills are Alive!"

Fusion and Wylder are out running in a suburb when they are suddenly attacked by a pack of coyotes.  Fusion uses his powers to change the coyotes into plants, and, to his horror, Wylder then slashes them to pieces.  More coyotes swarm the two men, and they try to flee, but something pulls them into the ground.  At Bloodpool’s new headquarters, Rubble and Seoul watch Didelphis complain on a talk show about the end of the Bloodpool program as Task returns with new office equipment.  He and Psilence get pager messages from Fusion and Wylder asking for help, and the team leaves to investigate.  Psilence telepathically tracks them to the suburb, but nothing seems amiss.  In an underground base below, Fusion and Wylder’s captor introduces himself as Eyrth Mover.  Once a real estate salesman, he discovered he is geokinetic, possessing the power to manipulate earth, and used his ability to accrue wealth, buy mind control technology, and make people his slaves.  Fusion and Wylder break free, but Eyrth Mover threatens the life of a women he has taken captive if they do not submit.  Psilence senses them underground, and Bloodpool breaks into the base. Psilence psionically overpowers Eyrth Mover, freeing his slaves, and Task knocks him out.  When asked how Bloodpool can be thanked, Fusion and Seoul list off acceptable forms of payment.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Bloodpool trade paperback published in 1996.

See Also

Links and References

