Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "War Games part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Wargame (Death) (appears in both flashback and main story)
  • Crypt (appears in both flashback and main story)
  • Darkthornn (Main story and flashback)

Other Characters:

  • DS-9




  • Endgame (Destroyed)

Synopsis for "War Games part 3"

Aboard his ship, Wargame reveals to the captive Bloodstrike and Prophet that he is from the future.  Elsewhere, Tower brings Kirby and DS-9 to Athena and Bailout.  Kirby tells the Experts about Bloodstrike and Prophet’s abduction and suggests they work together to rescue their friends.  Wargame explains that he is from the year 2043 where he served as Darkthornn’s general following the conquest of Earth, and Prophet is his mortal enemy.  Just as he finishes his story, Crypt appears and impales him with a sword.  Prophet knocks it away, and Crypt shoots back, blowing a hole in the side of the craft.  Athena arrives in the Experts’ craft and opens fire.  Crypt damages it with an axe as Prophet and Bloodstrike jump aboard. Crypt escapes, and Wargame’s ship explodes.  Bloodstrike lets Prophet know he will tell Gunther that Prophet escaped in the confusion.


See Also

Links and References

