Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Denis Kraven
- Hacker
- Extreme Universe
- United States of America
- California
- Malibu
- Santa Monica
- Santa Monica Pier
- California
- United States of America
Synopsis for 1st story
Boone shoots Battlestone and flees with the disc, fighting his way past the rest of Brigade. Seahawk and Battlestone track him down the coast to Santa Monica Pier where, unbeknownst to them, he is to rendezvous with Hacker and Denis Kraven. Stone catches up to and punches him up through the pier. Back in Malibu, the team puts Thermal into a holding cell. They then go to Santa Monica and watch as Battlestone and Boone battle. In her cell, Thermal breaks down crying, consumed with guilt for writing her article on the team. On the pier, Stone has Boone on the ground, but Boone detonates an explosive, seemingly killing them both. Brigade believes their leader dead, unaware that Boone has delivered the disc and Stone to Kraven aboard a nearby aircraft.