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- Ab
- Abdiel
- Adam Booth (Extreme)
- Adam Rygert (Fearless)
- Alessandra Fermi
- Alex Grey (Black Magick)
- Alexander Barros (Extreme)
- Alexander Knight (Extreme)
- Alicia Turner
- Alphonso Capsaicin (Chew)
- Alysande Morales (Top Cow)
- Amber Barnes (Outcast)
- Amber Bennett
- Amber LeRoux (Wildstorm Universe)
- Amelia Mintz (Chew)
- Amy (Ringside)
- Amy (The Walking Dead)
- Andrea (The Walking Dead)
- Andrea Carfax
- Andromache
- Andy Frank
- Andy Tavers (Descender)
- Angela McCall (Extreme)
- Angelica Dragon (Savage World)
- Angelica Murphy (Image Universe)
- Anita Christ (Wolf)
- Ann Moss (Revival)
- Ann Samantha Stevens
- Anna
- April Kelly (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Ashlynn (Citizen Jack)
- Astra
- Barnabas Cremini (Chew)
- Barney Runningbear
- Becky (The Violent)
- Ben (The Walking Dead)
- Benjamin Dane
- Benjamin Davis Hanna (Chew)
- Biff Baker
- Billy (Deadly Class)
- Billy (The Walking Dead)
- Billy Zane (Extreme)
- Blonde (Nailbiter)
- Booth (We Stand on Guard)
- Brit Jr.
- Britney
- Burke Monet (Extreme)
- Buttercup (Chew)
- Cain (The Goddamned)
- Callindra
- Carol (The Walking Dead)
- Cassandra Taylor (Top Cow)
- Chandra (Black Science)
- Chimera (Wildstorm Universe)
- Christine Blaze (Wildstorm Universe)
- Christine Trelane
- Claire Bono
- Clayton H. Maure (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cole Cash
- Cole Cash (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Cole Cash (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cole Turner (Department of Truth)
- Constance Lee (East of West)
- Cyrus Kantner (Extreme)
- Damian (Extreme)
- Dan Franks (Chew)
- Dan Knossos (Ringside)
- Danielle Baptiste (Top Cow)
- Dara Brighton (The Sword)
- Dart (Allison Summers)
- Davitika Deal (Snowfall)
- Debbie Thatcher (Extreme)
- Della Caine (Low)
- Derek Sanders
- Diane (Plutona)
- Diane LaSalle
- Dominique Beaner (Top Cow)
- Doris (Top Cow)
- Drake Jones
- Dredd (Extreme)
- Duke (Extreme)
- Duncan Belloc-Rosenblatt
- J Howard Broccolo (Chew)
- Jaime Hettinga (Revival)
- Jake McCarthy (Top Cow)
- James Downing
- James Witwicky (Energon Universe)
- Jason Hutchence (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Jeff Kessler (Extreme)
- Jennifer (Extreme)
- Jennifer Dragon (Savage World)
- Jennifer Murphy (Image Universe)
- Jennifer Sparks
- Jeremy Stone
- Jeremy Stone (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Jeremy Stone (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jill August
- Jimmy John (Deadly Class)
- Joan Wilson (Jupiter's Legacy)
- John Cumberland (Wildstorm Universe)
- John Locke (Extreme)
- John Paneczik
- John Sansker
- John Windsor
- Jonathan Colby (Chew)
- Jordan Borchardt (Revival)
- Joseph Rotkowski (Wildstorm Universe)
- Joseph Yallod
- Judge (Black Jack Ketchum)
- Julia Winters
- Justin Hine (Revival)
- Maikone
- Mark Lucas
- Marshall Mellow (Chew)
- Marty Sladek
- Matthew Callahan
- Matthew Llanso
- Max Cash
- Max Cash (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Max Williams IV
- Maya Silver (The Fade Out)
- McHenry (Saga)
- McPherson (The Violent)
- Melissa (Sons of the Devil)
- The Metropolitan
- Michael Applebee (Chew)
- Michael Cray
- Migdalo Daniel (Chew)
- Mitchell Saunders
- Mite (Wildstorm Universe)
- Mnemosyne
- Monica Straight
- Morgan Stryker (Top Cow)