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- Adam Rygert (Fearless)
- Addie Vochs (Wildstorm Universe)
- Adolf Hitler (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ajeet Singh (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alan Keever (Extreme)
- Albert Ferrus (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alex Fury (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alex Grey (Black Magick)
- Alexander Barros (Extreme)
- Alexander Graves (Extreme)
- Alexander Knight (Extreme)
- Ali Fargham (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Allen the Alien (TV)
- Alpha (Alan Moore's Extreme)
- Alphonso Capsaicin (Chew)
- Amanda (TV)
- Amanda Reed (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Ambassador (Extreme)
- Amber LeRoux (Wildstorm Universe)
- Amy (The Walking Dead)
- Andre Xavier Lord (Modern Extreme)
- Andrew Chamberlain (East of West)
- Angela McCall (Extreme)
- Anthony Farrow (Snowfall)
- Antonia LeVay (East of West)
- Archimedes Sin (Wildstorm Universe)
- Argus Unit (Extreme)
- Arnold Stipple (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Artemis (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Artemis (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arthur Hensford (Wildstorm Universe)
- August Reasons (Snowfall)
- Avengelyne (Extreme)
- Avi Barak (Wildstorm Universe)
- Axel Brass (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ayanna Pavi (Think Tank)
- Aztech (Extreme)
- Bad Dog (Wildstorm Universe)
- Barbara Salinger (Deadly Class)
- Barnabus Wolfe (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Baron Chaos
- Bart Hill
- Bart of the Blackness (I Hate Fairyland)
- Battle Beast (TV)
- Battleaxe (Extreme)
- Beast (East of West)
- Belloc
- Benito Santini (Wildstorm Universe)
- Benjamin Randall (Extreme)
- Billy Nelson (Extreme)
- Billy Zane (Extreme)
- Black Jack (Extreme)
- Black Samson (TV)
- Blackrock (Extreme)
- Blain (Deadly Class)
- Blake Coleman (Wildstorm Universe)
- Blake Morrow (Outcast)
- Blind (Wildstorm Universe)
- Bloodwulf (Extreme)
- Boggs (Extreme)
- Boone (Extreme)
- Brad Smitts (Extreme)
- Brandy Lynn (Deadly Class)
- Brett Butler (Extreme)
- Bruce Stinson (Alan Moore's Extreme)
- Bruce Stinson (Extreme)
- Bumblebee (Energon Universe)
- Cabbot Stone (Alan Moore's Extreme)
- Cabbot Stone (Extreme)
- Cabbot Stone (Modern Extreme)
- Captain Cobra (Wildstorm Universe)
- Catastrophon (I Hate Fairyland)
- Cecil Stedman (TV)
- Cecilia Rendozzo (Wildstorm Universe)
- Charles Cottsworth Pinckney (Wildstorm Universe)
- Chimera (Wildstorm Universe)
- Clayton H. Maure (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cole Cash (Wildstorm Universe)
- Collette Pearson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Colonel (Wildstorm Universe)
- Comet Twins
- Connie (TV)
- Conquest (East of West)
- Cooler (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cordelia
- Coyote Kid (Wildstorm Universe)
- Craig Blackamoor (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cross (Extreme)
- D.A. Sinclair (TV)
- Damian (Extreme)
- Damien Darkblood (TV)
- Daniel (Deadly Class)
- Daniel Simeone (Extreme)
- Daniel Tsuchida (Extreme)
- Danielle Jurik (Think Tank)
- Dara Brighton (The Sword)
- Darkthornn (Extreme)
- Davey (Energon Universe)
- David Proctor (Extreme)
- David Waller (Extreme)
- Davitika Deal (Snowfall)
- Daybreaker (Authoriteens)
- Death Buddhists
- Debbie Thatcher (Extreme)
- Deborah Konigsberg (Extreme)
- Decadence (Wildstorm Universe)
- Diabolique (Extreme)
- Diehard (Extreme)
- Diehard 3000 Unit (Extreme)
- Dilidi-i (The Autumnlands)
- Dino Manolis (Wildstorm Universe)
- Doctor (Wildstorm Universe)
- Donald Ferguson (TV)
- Donovan Crane (Wildstorm Universe)
- Doris (Top Cow)
- Douglas McGarry
- Drummer (Wildstorm Universe)
- Duane Jones (The Walking Dead)
- Duke (Extreme)
- Duncan (I Hate Fairyland)
- Dyno-Mite (Wildstorm Universe)
- Edward Dane (Wildstorm Universe)
- Edward Rife (Extreme)
- Edwin Makepeace (Wildstorm Universe)
- Eidolon (Wildstorm Universe)
- Elephant (TV)
- Elijah Snow (Wildstorm Universe)
- Elizabeth Hughes (Extreme)
- Elizabeth Rowan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Emp of Khera (Wildstorm Universe)
- Enigma (Extreme)
- Entropy (Image Universe)
- Erika Richmond (Extreme)
- Erving (Saga)
- Ethan Crane (Extreme)
- Ethan McCain (Wildstorm Universe)
- Euclid
- Evangeline Wilder (Top Cow)
- Ezra Orion (East of West)
- Falconette (Wildstorm Universe)
- Fallout (Wildstorm Universe)
- Famine (East of West)
- Fourplay (Extreme)
- Francis Leopold Franchetti (Top Cow)
- Frank Bishop
- Frank Herbert (Extreme)
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (The Manhattan Projects)
- Frederick Fawkes (Wildstorm Universe)
- Frederick Ngebe Braumholstein (Wildstorm Universe)