Good Characters are generally on the side of the law, or the greater good of humanity.
They can also be described as opposing Bad Characters.
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All items (1034)
- Aaron Weimar (Revival)
- Ab-Death (Wildstorm Universe)
- Abdiel
- Abigail Barker (Nailbiter)
- Abigail van Alstine (Top Cow)
- Adam Booth (Extreme)
- Adam Rygert (Fearless)
- Adam Wilkins
- Addie Vochs (Wildstorm Universe)
- Adrianna Tereshkova
- Agent Hunter
- Ajeet Singh (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alabastar Wu
- Alan Keever (Extreme)
- Alana (TV)
- Albert Einstein (The Manhattan Projects)
- Albert Ferrus (Wildstorm Universe)
- Albert Simmons
- Albert Simmons (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
- Alessandra Fermi
- Alex Grey (Black Magick)
- Alex Wilde
- Alexander Barros (Extreme)
- Alexander Fairchild
- Alexander Knight (Extreme)
- Alice (Nailbiter)
- Alicia Turner
- Aliens of the Island (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Allen (The Walking Dead)
- Allen the Alien
- Allen the Alien (TV)
- Allison Barnes (Outcast)
- Alpha (Alan Moore's Extreme)
- Alphasia (Ms. Popper)
- Alysande Morales (Top Cow)
- Amanda
- Amanda (TV)
- Amanda Reed
- Amanda Reed (Wildstorm Universe)
- Amber Barnes (Outcast)
- Amber Bennett (TV)
- Amber LeRoux (Wildstorm Universe)
- Amber Roos (We Stand on Guard)
- Ambrosia the Hooker
- Amelia Mintz (Chew)
- Ami (Revival)
- Amy (Ringside)
- Amy (The Walking Dead)
- Anahita
- Anazani Lima (Chew)
- Andre Aligreti (Ringside)
- Andre Xavier Lord (Modern Extreme)
- Andrea (The Walking Dead)
- Andressa
- Andrew Barker (Wildstorm Universe)
- Andy Frank
- Andy Tavers (Descender)
- Angela
- Angela McCall (Extreme)
- Angela Spica
- Angelica Murphy (Image Universe)
- Anissa
- Anita Christ (Wolf)
- Ann Moss (Revival)
- Ann Samantha Stevens
- Anna
- Anna Willheim
- Anthony Chu (Chew)
- Anthony Farrow (Snowfall)
- Antoine Wolf (Wolf)
- Antonelle Chu (Chew)
- Aphrodite IX (Top Cow)
- Apollo
- Aquaria
- Aquarus
- Aquarus (TV)
- Arkan (The Autumnlands)
- Arnold Stipple (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Arthur Rosebaum
- Arthur Rosenbaum (TV)
- August Reasons (Snowfall)
- Avengelyne (Extreme)
- Avi Barak (Wildstorm Universe)
- Axel Brass (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ayanna Pavi (Think Tank)
- Babycakes (Chew)
- Bad Dog (Wildstorm Universe)
- Bairn
- Bandit (Descender)
- Barbara Rodriguez
- Barney Runningbear
- Bart Hill
- Bartholomew J. Troll
- User:Batman3615
- Battery Bill
- Battle Beast (TV)
- Battleaxe (Extreme)
- Bel Solomon (East of West)
- Bella
- Ben Nakadai
- Benito Santini
- Benjamin Randall (Extreme)
- Bernard Simmons
- Bertrand Tubb (Southern Bastards)
- Best Tiger
- Bethany Black
- Betsy Austin (Outcast)
- Betsy Wilkins
- Bhord (The Autumnlands)
- Biff Baker
- Billy (Deadly Class)
- Billy (The Walking Dead)
- Billy Nelson (Extreme)
- Billy Zane (Extreme)
- Black Samson (TV)
- Blain (Deadly Class)
- Blaise Ramirez (Saints)
- Bobby
- Bobby (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
- Bobby Berman
- Boggs (Extreme)
- Bolt
- Bonnie (Revival)
- Boone (Extreme)
- Boone (Southern Bastards)
- Booth (We Stand on Guard)
- Boots
- Brad Smitts (Extreme)
- Brandy Lynn (Deadly Class)
- Breadman (Chew)
- Brenda (Outcast)
- Brent Gunderson (Revival)
- Brett Butler (Extreme)
- Brian Giles (Outcast)
- Bridget Flynn
- Brigid Roth (Injection)
- Brit
- Brit Jr.
- Britney
- Bumblebee (Energon Universe)
- Burke Monet (Extreme)
- Buttercup (Chew)
- Cabbot Stone (Alan Moore's Extreme)
- Cabbot Stone (Extreme)
- Cabbot Stone (Modern Extreme)
- Cain (The Goddamned)
- Caitlin Fairchild
- Callindra
- Captain Cosmic
- Captain Dynamo
- Carin Taylor (Top Cow)
- Carl Grimes (The Walking Dead)
- Carla
- Carol (The Walking Dead)
- Carrie Andrews
- Carter (Dark Corridor)
- Cassandra Taylor (Top Cow)
- Catastrophon (I Hate Fairyland)
- Cecil Stedman
- Cecil Stedman (TV)
- Chandra (Black Science)
- Charles Cottsworth Pinckney (Wildstorm Universe)
- Charlie Parish (The Fade Out)
- Chelsea Henry
- Chester G. (The Private Eye)
- Chip McNally (Top Cow)
- Chirpington (I Hate Fairyland)
- Chloe Hampton
- Chloe Sampson Hutchence (Jupiter's Legacy)
- Christine Blaze (Wildstorm Universe)
- Christine Trelane
- Claire Bono
- Claire Voyant
- Clay (Limbo)
- Clayton H. Maure (Wildstorm Universe)
- Clyde Birch (Revival)
- Code Blue
- Cogliostro (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
- Cole Cash
- Cole Cash (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Cole Cash (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cole Turner (Department of Truth)
- Comet Twins
- Commander Capitalism
- The Confessor
- Connie (TV)
- Contessa Malikova (Codename Baboushka)
- Cooper Cypress (Revival)
- Cord Dexter Lemoyne (Wildstorm Universe)
- Coyote Kid (Wildstorm Universe)
- Craig Crandall