Appearing in "Kids Love Chains, Part Five"
Featured Characters:
- Ellie Howell
- Ryan Lowe
- Ava Quinn
- Otto
Supporting Characters:
- Deena Quinlan
- Valofax (appears in both flashback and main story)
- Madman (Frank Einstein) (appears in both flashback and main story)
- The Paybacks
- Bloodpouch
- Emory Rains
- Miss Adventure
- Night Knight
- Soviet Nunchuck
- Powerhouse Guards
- Father Lowe (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Tortured "Super-Hero" (Death)
- Warden Jensen (First appearance; dies)
- Nathaniel Abrams Pendleton (Mentioned)
- Emmett Quinlan (Main story and flashback)
- Attüm (Main story and flashback)
- Balegrim (Main story and flashback)
- Utah
- National Event Memorial and Museum Center
- Colorado
- Denver
- The Crossover
- Research and Development Testing Facilities
- Powerhouse Delta
- Amalgam Program
- Madman's Yo-Yo
- Valofax
- Power-Draining Bullet
- Paybacks Van
Synopsis for "Kids Love Chains, Part Five"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis's all come to this. What awaits our heroes at ground zero? What is the nefarious Father Lowe up to in that basement of his? Who the hell is narrating this book? Where am I? What's happening?? Find “KIDS LOVE CHAINS,” Part Five!