Appearing in "Fire in Mind I"
Featured Characters:
- Mortie (First Appearance)
- Werner Zevon (First Appearance)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Tweeter (Death)
- Frederick Willheim
- Murph (Death)
- Joey, Mortie's kid
- Sasa the Gypsy (First Appearance)
- Fatima the Gypsy (First Appearance)
- Gregor the stealing monkey
Synopsis for "Fire in Mind I"
Cy-Gor has visions from when Dr. Frederick Willheim created him. As he's being transported he becomes more uncomfortable. He breaks free of his holding unit.
Mortie receives a call from Sarah about Cy-Gor's breakout and he tells her to put the PR team on it. He meets with Werner later and they discuss the PR spin stories.
Two gypsies, Fatima and Sasa, attempt to use their monkey, Gregor, to steal Werner's watch. When Werner chases then, before takes off and runs into Cy-Gor.
troops find Cy-Gor and knock out Gregor in the process. The troops take Cy-Gor back to Mortie.