The Cybertronians (also referred to as Transformers) are a robotic species that usual reside within the planet Cybertron, they have the special ability to transform into certain modes. As of current, the only known modes are vehicles or items like trucks or a gun.
Powers and Abilities
- Transformation: Cybertronians have the special ability to change forms sometimes into a vehicle and sometimes into an item. Some Transformers have other abilities but this is the main one
None known.
Average Strength level
None known.
Habitat: Habitat of this race is unknown.
Gravity: Gravity of this race is unknown.
Atmosphere: Atmosphere of this race is unknown.
Population: Population of this race is unknown.
Type of Government: Democracy
Level of Technology: Technology level unknown.
Cultural Traits: Cultural traits unknown.
Representatives: No Known representatives.
See Also
- Discuss Cybertronians on the forums
- Appearances of Cybertronians
- Images of Cybertronians
- Race Gallery: Cybertronians
Links and References
- None.