Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Gen-Passive"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Grifter (Cameo)
  • Sandra Casey (Death) (appears in both flashback and main story)




Synopsis for "Gen-Passive"

After a session testing his powers with Frank Colby, Powerhaus recognizes a woman in the hallway at IO, but she claims they have never met before.  Later, while Hector visits a catatonic Copycat, an alarm sounds. He discovers the woman he recognized has been killed, supposedly in a training accident.  Afterward, he realizes he met her in a bar in New York the night Ivana’s penthouse was attacked.  He tries to access IO records to learn more, but ends up in a fight with the security guards.  Colby refuses to reveal anything about her and tells Hector to drop it.  He tries to discuss his concerns with Evo who just tells him to let it go.  Frustrated and determined to solve this mystery, Powerhaus travels to Baiul’s Baltimore safehouse.  He accesses the systems there but soon dozes off.  He later awakens to find Grifter pointing a gun at his head.

See Also

Links and References

