Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Family"

Featured Characters:

  • DV8
    • Ivana Baiul (Main story and flashback)
    • Bliss (appears in both flashback and main story)
    • Evo (appears in both flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


  • Twist
    • Candielion (First Appearance)
    • Empty (First Appearance)
    • Texas



  • Lucille (Main story and flashback)


Synopsis for "Family"

A terrified Evo huddles in the woods in the rain.  Earlier that day at IO, Baiul briefed him, Bliss, and Sideways Bob on the emergence of a new superhuman named Donald Kruger in Idaho.  News footage showed Kruger turning invisible after being arrested for murder by the local police.  Baiul ordered the three of them to fly to Idaho and capture him.  Upon their arrival, they went to Kruger’s family home.  While Bliss went inside, Kruger ambushed Evo and Bob.  Unable to sense Kruger at all, Evo panicked and fled to nearby woods. In the house, Bliss finds Kruger’s parents murdered.  Texas, supposedly dead member of the killer gang Twist, announces himself.  He leads a new iteration of Twist, and Kruger a.k.a. Empty is a member.  Evo musters his courage and enters the house to confront them.  After a brief standoff, he saves Bliss and Bob by letting Twist escape.

Appearing in "Deeper"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:




Synopsis for "Deeper"

At IO, Freestyle and Sublime finish a training session, and Frostbite stops by to say goodbye. Frank Colby catches Leon before he leaves and offers to restore his powers in exchange for his help with a secret effort.  Leon agrees but then punches Colby, demanding not to be lied to again.  In response, Colby kicks Leon’s legs out from under him and says someone will contact him soon.

See Also

Links and References

