Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Paranoid Conspiracies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Vandelay Industries (First Appearance)
    • George Taylor (First Appearance)
    • Carlton Dodge (First Appearance)
    • Baker (Death)
    • Clancy
    • Michael Cochran (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Sandra Casey (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "Paranoid Conspiracies"

While Powerhaus argues with a fellow alcoholic at a bar, armored mercenaries raid DV8’s penthouse.  Prepared with countermeasures for the team’s powers, they fight past Evo and Frostbite to tranquilize and abduct Baiul.  The gunfire awakens Sideways Bob, and he fights back with a chainsaw while Copycat uses her powers to control Bliss and Frostbite and escape to the roof.  Upon recognizing Bob, the mercenaries set explosive charges and evacuate.  Sublime agrees to help Baiul if Bob will get an injured Evo to safety.  The mercenaries fend her off and escape in their helicopter with Baiul, but Sublime is able to rescue an unconscious Threshold. Carrying him, she jumps off the roof just before they launch missiles into the penthouse, destroying it.  Using her powers to land safely, she meets up with Bob and Evo on the street.  Powerhaus arrives, wondering what has happened.  Bob claims their attackers were IO agents and vows revenge.


  • The group of mercenaries that attacks DV8 is identified as Vandelay Industries in the next issue. Its name is a reference to an unemployment scam in an episode of the U.S. sitcom Seinfeld.

See Also

Links and References

