Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Al, the lawyer (First Appearance)
- Jimmy (First Appearance)
- Cellmate (Only appearance; dies)
- Detective Bludgeon
- Detective Cosh
Other Characters:
- Carlo Ricci
- Maya
- Mayor Meyer (Mentioned)
- Misty the bartender (Single appearance)
Synopsis for 1st story
Nine years ago, Carter sat in prison. His lawyer informs him that his high-status makes his case high profile. As a result, governor Meyer would most likely not release him as it would be seen as a favor. As Al leaves, his cellmate gives him a hard time. Carter snaps and smashes the cellmate's face against the urinal. He realizes what he's done as his cellmate bleeds out on the floor.
In the present, Carter attempts to start his car as a strip club manager bleeds out on the ground next to him.
Earlier that day, Carter walked into the car lot as a high roller. He was flaunting hew newly minted wealth from the diamond acquisition.[1] He pays with cash for a new sport vehicle.
He then headed to see his brother, Jimmy. He informs him he's quitting. Jimmy is shocked as he only worked there for 5 weeks. He next headed out to purchase a new apartment, big screen TV, expensive alcohol, and eat at fancy restaurants. He next went to a strip club where he rang up a $9,000 bill.
He meets up with his favorite stripper, Maya. She has worked with him and engaged in sexual activities with him for money in the past. He recalls her having sex with him for free and her pimp becoming angry with him in the past. He soon spots Detective Bludgeon and Detective Cosh enter the club.
The next at 4am, Carter wakes up where he passed out at the strip club stage. He sees a news report that Carlo Ricci has been murdered. He realizes he's in trouble as he was the guy would could move his diamonds. Since he's broke, he attempts to make a break for it, but has to shoot the strip club manager in the face in the process.
Appearing in "Greatest Hits Volume Two: Nicole Breccia"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Scalina
- Pablo the dog
Other Characters:
- Alonso (Death)
Synopsis for "Greatest Hits Volume Two: Nicole Breccia"
Scalina enters the officer of Alonso. Scalina informs him the Massina and Scalini families are taking over Red Circle. He unleashes Pablo, his dog to kill him.
Elsewhere, Killer attacks Frankie Scalina and Julia Scalina. Julie slashes at Killer's face attempting to fend him off of them. The Dark Assassin attacks the Scalinas as well and eventually murders both of them. Soon, her friends enter the room asking Nicole if she is ok. She says they need to split to hide evidence but she's going to stick around to see if her dog returns.
Later, Nicole sits in a tree when she see her dog running back towards the house with Pete chasing after him.