Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Oakland
- Las Vegas
Synopsis for 1st story
Marcus receives a failing grade from Master Lin for failing his assignment with no proof the man actually committed a crime.[1] Marcus is punished to the 'Ditch' solitary confinement for a week.
Willie, Maria, Saya, and Billy break Marcus out. They tell him as long as he's back before his punishment is up he'll be fine. They head to Las Vegas to see a Greatful Dead concert and kill Billy's dad.
Maria and Saya snort cocaine at a rest stop and profess that they are best friends. Maria comes onto Marcus at gas station before they take off.
At the concert, Saya tells them to give her all their money so she can score some drugs. Marcus is hesitant and claims he's the Acid King and tries to buy his own drugs. He ends up purchasing bum drugs and wastes his money. When Saya buys drugs off a man, Marcus thinks they'll be fake again and takes way more than he should. The hippie freaks out and takes off and Marcus begins tripping.
Later, they all gather around a car and try to talk Marcus out from under it as he shivers and holds himself tight in the fetal position. They head to Las Vegas and Marcus trips even more seeing all the lights as they head to the Circus Circus. There, Marcus admits to Maria in his room he's not the acid king.
Chico pulls up to the hotel having secretly followed them and cocks his gun.
The man with the monster face pulls up on a motorcycle outside of Vegas.