Deshawn Berry is a criminal with several murders in his past. He distributes wing meat for the entire south side of Philadelphia but is protected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In exchange for information, the FDA looks the other way on D-Bear's illegal activities.[1]
Later, many FDA members became injured during a raid on the Collector's home. Agent Breadman became the acting director and called in Deshawn as an honorary member to help them while they were short staffed. Deshawn quickly helped bring down an E.G.G. Terrorist who brainwashed Raymond Reece into leveling a city block with his food-based powers.[2]
He soon investigated the Bon Vivant club where he learned their leader, Benjamin Davis Hann, was illegally stealing money to fund their high-end purchases. Together, he stormed the club with Tony Chu.[3]