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Appearing in "Truth or Consequences"

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Synopsis for "Truth or Consequences"

Void is meditating when suddenly she sense something. She teleports throughout the Halo Building seeing what each of the Wildcats are doing until finally she arrives on the roof where Providence is waiting for her.

Providence tells her about Max Faraday and how he unknowingly seeks to become "the third". They agree on a truce to find out more.

In the Hollow Realm, Blaze tells Faraday the truth about the realm. She tells them that Professor Senreich helped uncover an ancient artifact they dubbed The Creation Wheel. It had symbols on it that referred to events from The Bible. The symbols were a code they called the Creation Equation because it held the key to unlocking the very power of creation itself.

Faust was the one who translated the equation into computer code and she allied with The Rath. They then used the code to make a man-made Creation Wheel which they launched into orbit. It created the Hollow Realm and all the creatures that are part of The Rath.

She further tells him that the Hollow Realm is supposed to be Holo-Realm, as in Holographic projections. The Fallen believe they are fallen angels but Blaze tells Max they're nothing more than electromagnetic images given form and substance by the Creation Wheel. Max uses his powers to verify this but also finds Blaze is just like The Fallen; a fact The Fallen failed to tell Blaze.

Blaze is enraged and lashes out at The Fallen. But they are still convinced they are on God's side in a war between Heaven and Hell. Just then, Lord Acheron rides nearby with a phalanx of The Rath. Tobruk reveals that Lord Acheron is his brother.

Meanwhile, Jenny and Devan have snuck off together and are going swimming in small pool. They're about to share a moment together when something swims between Devan's legs. A serpent creature emerges from the water and attacks them. Jenny has an I.O. handgun from the safehouse and shoots the creature but it keeps on coming. But the others show up and Brande kills the creature. Afterward, they all continue their trek through the Hollow Realm.


  • This issue was published with a glow-in-the-dark variant cover by Randy Queen that, when combined with the cover of Darkchylde: The Legacy #1 by Jim Lee, forms a larger image.
  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Divine Right: Book One trade paperback (2002);
    • Divine Right: The Adventures of Max Faraday hardcover (2014).

See Also

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