Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Doom's IV
- Brick
- Burn
- Grimm
- Slyder
Supporting Characters:
- Shandi Walters
- Troy Walters
- Doom's Corporation
- Dr. Lychee
- Doomsmen
- Syber-Idol (Death)
Synopsis for 1st story
At Doom’s Corporation, Dr. Lychee holds Burn and Slyder captive while he tortures Brick and forces Brick’s children to watch. Nearby, Syber-Idol tortures Grimm to try and access his knowledge from the future. Brick’s son Troy escapes his confinement, knocks out Lychee, and frees the others. Brick, Burn, and Slyder go to free Grimm. Lychee comes to and orders the Doomsmen to stop them. The two teams battle, and Burn is forced to kill her opponent. Troy knocks out Lychee again, and his sister Shandi uses Lychee’s helmet to shut down the building’s system, freeing Grimm. The team flees as the building begins to come apart. Grimm explains that it is all cybernetically linked to Syber-Idol. Syber-Idol dies, and the building implodes. Doom’s IV escape in an aircraft and decide to face the future together.