In 1981, Elizabeth Hughes was part of a firm contracted by the government to design a fusion-powered computer-enhanced exo-skeleton that could be used by the military at wartime.[1][2] She worked on it with her firm, but most closely with Marcus Langston. By March 12, they were struggling with the exo-skeleton's alloy's melting points, which Marcus solved by preparing a master alloy using part of the metal base. During work, Marcus was so dedicated that he mostly ignored Elizabeth, but they engaged in a playful rivalrly wherein she fixed his mistakes. However, when Marcus kept working way into a Saturday morning, Elizabeth left to see another man named Ted.[2] On the day the armor would be demonstrated to the military, Elizabeth was nervous by the fact Marcus wasn't showing up, and the general in charge opined she seemed sweet on the man. Eventually, someone appeared and demonstrated the exo-skeleton's capacities, impressing the general in charge. That person turned out to be Marcus, and his display made Elizabeth realize her feelings for him. Marcus and her married shortly after.[3]