Image Comics Database


Homicide is the name of a supervillain who is part of the team Chasers in the Wildstorm Universe.

Homicide is quite possibly the most junior member of the team as he is referred to by his opponent Backlash as a "kid", during their first fight. During the first bout, Backlash bested Homicide in hand-to-hand combat. However, after Backlash managed to overcome the formidable telepathic powers of Chasers team member Gaze, the young and brash Homicide waited in ambush for his moment to take down Backlash. He had a perfect shot for Backlash's head before he was stopped by a desperate, last-second launching of Backlash's psi-whip, that redirected Homicide's aim. The shot tore through several floors of the armory base that held Taboo. The shot allowed for Taboo and her ally Dingo to escape Chaser Brawl. The Chasers pursued Backlash, Taboo and Dingo in a pair of hyper-sleds before the fugitive sled crashed. Homicide was last seen with his team as they vowed to finally recapture Taboo. Homicide, along with the rest of the Chasers, was killed by a D'rahn [1].



  • Automatic handgun.
  • Energy Projection: Homicide also uses a pair of unique red energy whips that are projected through his hi-tech cybernetic wristbands.

See Also

Links and References

