Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "A Savage Breast part 1"

Featured Characters:


  • So Happy to Be Happy (First Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Candi Bentar (First Appearance) (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Madeline Allright (On a TV or computer screen)
  • Tariq Massif (On a TV or computer screen)




Synopsis for "A Savage Breast part 1"

Caitlin wakes up in a hotel to hear an annoying new pop song, “So Happy to Be Happy” by teen singer Candi Bentar, playing on the alarm clock.  After taking a shower, she finds the rest of Gen 13 enchanted by the music video for the song on TV.  Later, as the team drives toward New York, Fairchild is horrified to find the song playing on every radio station.  When they stop to eat, even Lynch admits he likes the song, and a TV news report shows ambassadors quoting it.  Frustrated, Caitlin walks to a bookstore only to discover the song has been published as poetry.  A man pulls up in his car playing the song with the window down, and Fairchild snaps. She throws the man from the car and cathartically bashes it until it explodes.  Afterward, Caitlin jumps onto a nearby roof, sits down to relax, and has a sudden realization as to what the song might really be.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Gen 13: Meanwhile... trade paperback published in 2003.

See Also

Links and References

