Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Pan (First Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Syrinx (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)




Synopsis for 1st story

On Caitlin’s suggestion, Gen 13 has traveled to the mountains for some outdoor recreation. After a picnic, Caitlin, Grunge, and Roxy go for a hike, leaving Bobby and Sarah behind.  Bobby plays his guitar, unaware the Greek god Pan is watching from the bushes.  Pan senses Bobby’s feelings for Sarah and plays his pipes, enchanting her.  He then offers Bobby his pipes, explaining that they are made from the nymph Syrinx who turned herself into a reed and that they lead their player to love.  Despite some initial skepticism, Bobby plays the pipes.  Sarah walks off in a trance and, at Pan’s encouragement, Bobby follows her. They unwittingly cross into the Old Lands, and Bobby finds Sarah playing nude in a waterfall with faeries and nymphs. Feeling guilty about entrancing her, he gives Sarah her clothes and plays Pan’s pipes again to break the spell.  The next moment, Bobby wakes up to Sarah shaking him out of a dream and the rest of the team standing over him.  Pan watches from nearby wearing Bobby’s sunglasses.

See Also

Links and References

