Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Lindquist's Fault, Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Karl Lindquist
  • Kat's Cadets (all die) (Illusion)
    • Dusty
    • Glitter
    • Sandy
    • Shadow
    • Silla
    • Wunda


  • Plax
    • "Theo"

Other Characters:

  • Team Alpha




Synopsis for "Lindquist's Fault, Part Two"

Grunge finds himself floating in a featureless black void while, in the abandoned IO station, Burnout and Rainmaker watch a 50-year-old message from Lynch revealing that aliens conquered Earth.  Sarah recognizes the aliens as the same kind that attacked Lynch as Gen 13 entered the portal.  She and Bobby see a tower in the distance and start walking toward it.  Elsewhere, Freefall is subdued and captured by monstrous versions of Gen 13.  They take her to a lab and place her next to the comatose Team Alpha.  At the citadel, the evil cyborg Lynch forces Fairchild to watch as the Venals slaughter her Cadets.  Sarah and Bobby arrive to see an enraged Caitlin fighting him just as Roxy’s powers cause her and Team Alpha to fall through the ceiling.  Lava from a nearby volcanic eruption bursts into the room, but Freefall uses her powers to shield the team.  Suddenly, Grunge appears and freezes the lava.  He explains he used his absorption powers to escape the void and become one with this universe.  He further reveals that what the team just experienced were elaborate telepathic illusions created by aliens called the Plax and that Lindquist’s assistant Theo is one of them.  After using his god-like power to turn the Plax’s illusions on themselves, he returns Gen 13 and Team Alpha to Lindquist’s lab.  Caitlin goes berserk, beats Theo to a pulp, and tosses him into the portal, closing it and restoring Grunge to normal.  Team Alpha remains comatose, and Gen 13 discusses the moral ambiguity of leadership.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • Gen 13 Bootleg trade paperback (1998);
    • Gen 13: Ordinary Heroes trade paperback (2004).

See Also

Links and References

