Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "A Gen 13 Fairy Tale"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sir Lynch of Jois (First Appearance)


  • Ivanna (First Appearance)
  • Hordes Minions (First Appearance)
  • Hobgoblin (First Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Asmond
  • L'Gargent
  • Lodar
  • Ordian (Only appearance; dies)
  • Shile




Synopsis for "A Gen 13 Fairy Tale"

In the land of Dazinneon, members of the ruling nobility seek the counsel of the wizard Sir Lynch of Jois on how to repel the hordes that have invaded their kingdoms.  Lynch reveals the hordes work for a sorceress named Ivanna and only five prophesied heroes who must find the magical river of Plin can stop her.  Elsewhere, street urchin Roxy and her blacksmith friend Caitlin flee their village as it is overrun by the Hordes Minions.  They run to the forest where they meet its guardian Rainmaker.  She takes them to an ancient, magic tree that provides them with weapons and directs them to the Temple of Vashkar.  At the temple, they join forces with Lynch’s apprentice, Burnaught, and the berserker dwarf Delgrungo.  Together, they realize they are the five prophesied heroes, and they enter a cavern that takes them to the river Plin.  A creature named Shile shows them a dam Ivanna has placed on the river, channeling its magic energy into her.  The five heroes battle her Hordes Minions and then combine their powers to stop her.  Shile and his people destroy the dam, and the five are hailed as heroes across Dazinneon.

Freefall finishes reading the story to Grunge and closes the book.  When he asks her to read it to him a fourth time, she smacks him with it, and the two say goodnight.


  • This issue is reprinted in the Gen 13 Bootleg trade paperback published in 1998.


  • All but the last two pages of this issue are written and illustrated similarly to a children's storybook with large pictures and blocks of prose text instead of traditional comic panels, captions, speech bubbles, etc.

See Also

Links and References

