Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Wearing combat armor, Badrock’s father Dr. Joseph McCall joins Badrock and Grifter in storming the Covenant of the Sword’s base to rescue his wife, Angela.  They fight their way through Covenant troops, unaware the group’s leadership is monitoring the battle.  The Covenant seeks to acquire tissue samples from both Badrock and his father so they can combine Badrock’s physical power his father’s scientific genius. Badrock punches through the wall into his mother’s cell, and she immediately runs into Grifter’s arms and kisses him, stunning all three men.  Then, she suddenly crushes Grifter’s torso and shoots her husband with an energy blast. Turning to Badrock, she berates him for telling her what to do and declares that she knows best.


  • This issue was published as a flip book with Badrock #2.
  • The story ends on a cliffhanger with a blurb saying "To Be Concluded", but no third issue was published.

See Also

Links and References

