Image Comics Database

Empty Syntax (Standard Options)[]

{{Marvel Database:Event Template
| Image                   = 
| Name                    = 
| Aliases                 = 

| Reality                 = 
| Locations               = 
| Protagonists            = 
| Antagonists             = 
| Others                  = 

| Creators                = 
| First                   = 
| Last                    = 

| Synopsis                = 

| Prelude                 = 

| Part1                   = 
| Part2                   = 
| Part3                   = 

| TieIns                  = 

| Aftermath               = 

| Notes                   = 
| Trivia                  = 
| Links                   = 


| Title                   = INFOBOX TITLE (used if want to rename the infobox)
| Image                   = EVENT IMAGE (usually logo of event)
| Name                    = NAME OF EVENT (DEFAULT: pagename)
| Aliases                 = EVENT ALIASES (event "other names")

| Reality                 = UNIVERSE (ex. Extreme)
| Locations               = LOCATIONS (locations in event)
| Protagonists            = PROTAGONISTS
| Antagonists             = ANTAGONISTS
| Others                  = OTHER CHARACTERS

| Collected               = COLLECTED IN / PART OF COLLECTION OF (trade paperbacks, hardcover graphic novels)
| Creators                = CREATORS (Image Staff that created it, use ;'s to separate them)

| Prelude                 = Section for description and/or comic issues that served as prelude to main event

| Part1                   = TITLE OF FIRST COMIC
| Part2                   = TITLE OF SECOND COMIC IN EVENT

| TieIns                  = Section for tie-in comic issues to main event

| Aftermath               = Section for description and/or comic issues that showed the aftermath of the main event

| Synopsis                = COMPLETE SYNOPSIS OF EVENT

| Notes                   = NOTES (notes regarding event)
| Trivia                  = TRIVIA (trivia regarding event)
| Links                   = LINKS AND REFERENCES (internal and external)

