Image Comics Database

Quote1 From the looks of things I'd definitely have to say... It's Berzerkin' time!! Quote2
Jackson Kirby[1][src]


Jackson Kirby was the leader of the Berzerkers, a team of mutants from the future,[2] alongside Cross, Grey, Psi-Storm, Wildmane, Battleaxe, and D'Arcangel. In 1992, Kirby was in planet D'khay, fighting off androids named The Death Squad. His team rushed to rescue him, but by the time Kirby freed himself, they had lost D'Arcangel. Upon reconvening, they left D'khay through a "crash tunnel", a portal that crossed space-time. They appeared in a G.A.T.E. International laboratory in Germany, where a super-soldier named Jonathan Taylor Prophet and the superhero team Youngblood were battling foes named Disciples of Doom, who were familiar to the Berzerkers.[3] The amount of enemies soon overwhelmed the heroes,[4] but they turned the tide of the battle when they received help from Youngblood's "Home Team." This prompted Darkthornn, the Disciple's leader, and arch-enemy of the Berzerkers, to appear.[5] Darkthornn took out all of the Berzerkers, but he was driven away by the Youngblood member named Psi-Fire. After the battle, the team decided to continue chasing Darkthornn, but Kirby abandoned his position as leader to stick around Prophet and help him out because something about Prophet was familiar to Kirby.[6]

See Also

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