Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Chapter Four"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Aliens of the Island (First Appearance)
  • Mister Butler
  • George Hutchence (Main story and flashback)
  • Richard Conrad (Main story and flashback)
  • Fitz (Main story and flashback)
  • Aliens (Main story and flashback)
  • Avicenna (Mentioned)
  • Rene Descartes (Mentioned)
  • Charles Darwin (Mentioned)
  • Carl Jung (Mentioned)


  • Australia
    • Kurnell
  • United States of America
    • Washington, D.C.
      • White House
  • Europe (Mentioned)
  • South America (Main story and flashback)



Synopsis for "Chapter Four"

In 1932, Sheldon, Grace, Walter, George, Richard, and Fitz arrived at the island of the formermost's dreams and met two aliens who would give them powers. In Australia, in 2022, nine years after Walter and Brandon took over America, Chloe told her son Jason stories about her parents when they were alive. Hutch came inside the room and reminded Chloe that they had a ban on talking about the old days, as Walter and Brandon didn't know that Jason even existed. While laying low and not wanting to show his powers, Jason would lose his soccer games on purpose and allow other kids to beat him up. After getting ice cream, Hutch learned that there was a fire at a Kurnell chemical plant, so Jason changed into a disguise, flew to the top of the smoke, above the clouds, and caused a thunderstorm by flying around it before returning to his father in his civilian guise.

As people protested Walter's and Brandon's policies outside of the White House, the younger Sampson began doubting their plans before the elder used his powers to control the protesters' minds, in order to calm down his nephew. Then, Walter revealed that their head of security in Australia was investigating the possibility of Chloe being there and insisted that Brandon "leave it to the professionals", as the elder Sampson dispatched Barnabus Wolfe.

Solicit Synopsis

Brandon and his Uncle Walter have instigated the superhero revolution, but there are those who would still stand against them. On the other side of the world, Chloe and Hutch are hiding with their enormous secret and hoping to evade the man charged with hunting renegade superhumans.

See Also

Links and References

