Image Comics Database

Quote1 The light stabs at my eyes and I feel heavy and old. But that can't matter. Quote2

Appearing in "In Dreams"

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Synopsis for "In Dreams"

Asa Martin was flying in his dream, when he was woken up by his alarm clock. He put on his Samaritan suit and flew to the Philippines to stop a tidal wave from crashing onto a populated area. Then, he went to work as a magazine writer, while balancing it with fighting danger as the Samaritan. Later, he went to the Honor Guard Headquarters, where he and the team briefed each other on their findings. Suddenly, they were alerted that the Menagerie Gang was robbing a bank and stopped it. Asa quickly returned to work and was assigned to write about the "25 Most Beautiful Women in Astro City", which saddened him, causing him to believe that he was giving that up to live a double life. His Zyxometer went off and he returned to his duties as Samaritan and rushed to save people. Later, the Samaritan was given an award by the Astro City Firefighters Association at a dinner banquet. He attempted to hang his award next to his others, when he was attacked by the Living Nightmare. A fight broke out between the two, ending with the Samaritan throwing the Living Nightmare into the sun. Exhausted from a long day, he went back to sleep and began flying in his dream again.


See Also

Links and References


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