Image Comics Database

Appearing in "The Scoop"

Featured Characters:

  • Mr. Mills (First Appearance) (appears in both flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:

  • Honor Guard
    • Bouncing Beatnik (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Cleopatra (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Kitkat (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Leopardman (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Max O'Millions (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • N-Forcer (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Silver Agent (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
    • Starwoman (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
  • Old Soldier (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)


Other Characters:


  • Astro City (appears in both flashback and main story)
    • Astro City Rocket (appears in both flashback and main story)
    • Maneely's (Main story and flashback)
    • Tripp's (Main story and flashback)
    • Toth's Fineries (Main story and flashback)
    • Briefer's (Main story and flashback)
    • The Deadline (Main story and flashback)
    • Elias Street Station (Main story and flashback)
    • Iger Square Station (Main story and flashback)
    • Museum Row (Mentioned)
    • Central Line (Mentioned)
    • Celardo Street (Mentioned)
    • Elia Street (Mentioned)
  • Saigon (Mentioned)



  • Sputnik (Mentioned)

Synopsis for "The Scoop"

A man was hired by Elliot Mills at the Astro City Rocket before asking about an article framed in the office. Mills revealed that in 1959, when he was new to Astro City, he watched the Silver Agent stop bank robbers. Afterwards, he phoned the Astro City Rocket and wanted the front page. At night, he saw robed men enter Elias Street Station. The monks led by Karnus started a ritual involving the great fish before the Silver Agent appeared before them. Then, they, as well as Mills, found themselves in a half-world, standing before Shirak the Devourer, who transformed the robed men into shark-like humanoids.

Then, the Honor Guard, consisting of Bouncing Beatnik, Cleopatra, Kitkat, Leopardman, Max O'Millions, N-Forcer, and Starwoman, appeared and fought the shark-like people. As Mills observed the battle, the Old Soldier, who had not been seen since 1944, appeared behind him and joined the Honor Guard. The Old Soldier told them that the altar was holding the place together, so the Silver Agent destroyed the altar, vanquishing Shirak and his followers. Then, Mills found himself in a train station and was almost hit by a train. Later, he went to the Deadline where his colleagues were looking for him and told his story to them, although some of them were skeptical. His editor, who declared his story unsupportable, ordered him to rewrite his story. Mills contacted the Honor Guard and had them verify his story, allowing it to be published.

In the present, Mills told his new reporter that he could not confirm the story for five years as at the time, the Honor Guard had no headquarters or press secretary and framed it once he became an editor. The framed article only mentioned a trolley getting delayed by a shark.

See Also

Links and References

