Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database


Melanie is a young, adventurous girl who gets caught up helping PI in hopes of becoming a spy one day.

Meeting PI[]

Years ago, PI was taking pictures of a couple making out on the street. A young Melanie approached him and called him out on being an illegal paparazzi. He initially didn't want her help, but she offered for him to use his car so he didn't stand out in the open. PI accepted and began a friendly relationship where he used her for her vehicle over the years.[1]

Taj's Death[]

Melanie was too young to legally wear a Nym and still wore charm bracelets. One day, she was picked up by PI to investigate Taj McGill's background. However, when they arrived at PI's home, Taj was already dead. Mel insisted they stay to research who killed her. When PI refused, Mel left him stranded in anger.[2]

Stopping the Internet[]

Later, Melanie received a call from PI. He urgently needed help to escape from the Los Angeles Public Library as they had broken in to steal data. While she was initially uninterested, when he told her it was a getaway, she leaped into her car, excited for action. When the Press attempt to pull them over for speeding, Melanie gunned it and they ended up in a wreck. Her hand laid limp on the ground.[3]

Mel was transported to the hospital. Mike Strunk visited Melanie in the hospital, but she refused to give any information. Later, DeGuerre had the Frenchmen kidnap her from the hospital for information on PI.[4]

The Private Eye Vol 1 10 001
Mel was rescued by Raveena and PI. Together they headed to the Wonderwall where they stopped Khalid DeGuerre from accomplishing his goal, relaunching the internet.[5]

See Also

Links and References

