Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Nigel
  • Dr. Woo




Synopsis for 1st story

Prophet dreams he is crucified on a tree.  A man and three demons approach him, and the man stabs him with a spear.  He wakes up a in a cell with Kirby and learns he has been unconscious for days.  The cell door opens, and they are met by armed guards escorting Mary McCormick and Philip Omen, director of the Ragnarok program.  Omen boasts of the program’s scientific achievements and tells Prophet and Kirby he has plans for them.  After he leaves, Mary stays to ask Prophet his full name and birth information.  She looks identical to his lover from decades ago. Once she leaves, Prophet tells Kirby that Omen is the man from his dream as well as the Doombringer that Dr. Wells foretold.  In a Washington, D.C. alley, Judas uses a device to generate wings for herself and flies off in search of Prophet.  Omen meets with Mary and other Ragnarok officials to debate what to do with Prophet. Omen argues they should keep him in order to prevent others from using him but not divert resources to studying him. Instead, Omen wants the program to advance development of his android Disciples.  He then enters the room in person, revealing he has been talking through just such an android surrogate.  Omen and Mary return to Prophet’s cell and inform him and Kirby that they are being transferred to a facility in Colorado.  After asserting their right to walk away when they choose, Prophet and Kirby agree to go along.

Appearing in "Black and White part 3"

Featured Characters:


  • MI-10
    • Michael Mitchell (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "Black and White part 3"

Black and White fight and subdue the intruders in their office.  The intruders’ leader reveals himself as Michael Mitchell, a British operative.  He is there to assign Black a mission on behalf of the British government, but Black refuses.


  • This issue includes pin-ups of Prophet by:
  • This issue is reprinted in the Prophet trade paperback published in 1996.
  • The Black & White story is part 3 of 9 of a back-up feature appearing in Extreme Studios titles in early 1994. The previous chapter was published in Team Youngblood #6; the next chapter is in Team Youngblood #7.

See Also

Links and References

