Image Comics Database

Appearing in "(Not So) Secret Origin"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Marshall (First Appearance)
  • Henry Burnett (First Appearance)
  • Mrs. Burnett (First Appearance)


  • Radiant Red (First Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Chicago Bears (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram)
  • Savage Dragon (Malcolm Dragon) (Appears on a Computer Screen, TV or Hologram)
  • Raymond Chandler (Mentioned)
  • Lockport Police Department
    • Officer Peters (First Appearance)
    • Officer Mills (First Appearance)




Synopsis for "(Not So) Secret Origin"

In Los Angeles Nathan Burnett is driving for a ride-share company while on the phone with his bank for a loan. He gets denied for a loan due to his debt to income ratio. As he continues to ask for help with getting a loan he's repeatedly denied, eventually breaking down into tears just as his first rider arrives at the door.

A week later he is back home in Lockport, Illinois moving back in with his parents. As he’s unloading his car his childhood friend, Marshall shows up to greet him; after heckling him for a short while he invites him out to go drinking. While they’re out Marshall is alarmed when Nathan tells him that he’s racked up $38,000 in credit card debt. Nathan tells Marshall that while he’s been writing his book waiting on a deal he’s just been racking up a big bill.

After having several drinks Marshall is helping Nathan walk down the street from the bar as Nathan is discussing all the cool things they could do now that he’s moved back to town. As they get closer to the train tracks near Marshall’s car a mysterious back orb approaches them from the sky. Nathan reaches out to touch it and it attaches to his body and completely covers his body like a suit of armor. Marshall gets excited while Nathan becomes a little disoriented and confused and manages to throw up through the helmet.

While they’re trying to figure out what’s going on, Officer Mills and Officer Peters approach with their hands on their guns inquiring about the current situation. Marshal quickly tries to get them to leave them alone, but the cops are only concerned with getting both men off the train tracks just as a train approaches. In a moment of panic Nathan pushes Marshall out of the way and accidentally manages to levitate the cops as well as the entire train. While the officers freak out Marshall makes a deal with the cops to forget they saw them in exchange for putting them down.

Nathan takes Marshall and flies away and lands on top of a grain silo. As Nathan manages to figure out how to get the helmet off he has a heart to heart with Marshall. He admits that the book deal he was working on was originally started 4 years ago, but he hasn’t even written the first chapter yet. Nathan tells Marshall he feels like he’s already a failure. Meanwhile as Marshall gives Nathan words of comfort in Chicago, a person in a red suit similar to Nathan’s is seen robbing a bank.

Solicit Synopsis

For fans of INVINCIBLE and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers comes a brand-new ONGOING SERIES from acclaimed writer KYLE HIGGINS (Ultraman, C.O.W.L.) and artist MARCELO COSTA that reinvents superheroes for a new generation!

Nathan Burnett has just turned thirty, and things aren't great: He's working (and failing) at two jobs, his credit card debt is piling up, and his only move... is moving back home with his parents. But when Nathan discovers and unlocks the ethereal, cosmic RADIANT, he's given the power to radically change his fortunes! There's just one problem: The powers don't belong to him. And the COSMIC BEINGS who created them want them back... by any means necessary.

See Also

Links and References

