Appearing in "Ambush"
Featured Characters:
- Radiant Black (Marshall)
Supporting Characters:
- Accel (João Dos Santos) (appears in both flashback and main story)
- Sheer (Lukas) (appears in both flashback and main story)
- Shift (Guy) (appears in both flashback and main story)
- Doppler (Anja Wronja) (appears in both flashback and main story)
- Mecha (Riley) (appears in both flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Mike (First Appearance)
- J.J. (Mentioned)
- Brayden (Mentioned)
- One of Marshall's Bullies (Cameo)
- Mr. Gort (Mentioned)
- Illinois
- Cook County
- Cook County Prison (First Appearance)
- Lockport
- Lockport High School
- Marshall's House
- Uncle Pete's Pizza (Mentioned)
- Cook County
- Lemont (Mentioned)
- California (Mentioned)
- Santa Monica (Mentioned)
- Black Radiant
Synopsis for "Ambush"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "Marshall's School of Business"
Featured Characters:
- Marshall
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Reel World Customers
- Illinois
- Lockport
- Reel World
- Lockport
Synopsis for "Marshall's School of Business"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Piece by piece, Marshall has managed to dismantle the EpicFront empire. This is what happens next.