Appearing in "<001>"
Featured Characters:
- Radiant Black (Marshall)
Supporting Characters:
- Radiant Pink
- Radiant Red (Satomi Sone)
- Radiant Yellow
- 001 (appears in both flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Nathan Burnett (Mentioned)
- Unnamed Moscow Citizens
- Radiant Black Robot (Cameo)
- "Far Bigger Fish" (Mentioned)
- EpicFront (First Appearance)
- Gregg (First Appearance) (Cameo)
- Jace (First Appearance)
- Riley (First Appearance) (Cameo)
- Space
- Earth
- Russia
- Moscow
- St. Basil's Cathedral
- Moscow
- Japan
- Aokigahara
- United States of America
- 001's Stash
- Russia
- Earth
- Black Radiant
- Pink Radiant
- Red Radiant
- Yellow Radiant
- 001's Swords
- 001's Ship (First Appearance) (Main story and flashback)
Synopsis for "<001>"
- Synopsis not yet written
Appearing in "The Unleashed: Echoes of Sorrow, Part IV"
Featured Characters:
- Mara
Supporting Characters:
- Charlie King
- Daniel
- Jai
- Phee
- Evil Mara
Other Characters:
- Unnamed Mother
- The Unleashed (Mentioned)
- Dean Frost (Mentioned)
- Riftside
- Mage Sanctum
- Riftside High (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "The Unleashed: Echoes of Sorrow, Part IV"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
The battle for the Radiants tears through Chicago. Can this unlikely new team stand against an enemy who knows more about their powers than they do? And even if they win…what happens next?