During the Hellspawn series, The Raven Spawn is one of Malebolgia's Death Knights who was was returned to Earth to torment Al Simmons also known as Spawn who was the current Hellspawn.
The Raven Spawn also makes an appearance in the Adventures of Spawn Universe as the demonic lord Kray-Von Gore who created the K7-Leetha (The Hellspawn suit) and used it to wage a war against the forces of the universe. He was eventually defeated and the suit was sealed within the Necro-Stone becoming one of the "Relics of Ruin". Anyone who would find the ancient stone would be endowed with his power and dawn the mantle of Spawn. To date Al Simmons found the Necro-Stone and has become Spawn-X.
The Raven Spawn also makes a cameo in Spawn 297.[1]