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Quote1 We're living on borrowed time here. Every minute of our life is a minute we steal from them! You see them out there. You know that when we die -- we become them. You think we hide behind walls to protect us from the walking dead! Don't you get it? We are the walking dead! Quote2
Rick Grimes[src]



Police deputy Rick Grimes was born and raised in Cynthiana, Kentucky. He became a cop and eventually married to Lori, with who he had a son, Carl. At the age of 29, Rick was shot in the line of fire by an unnamed criminal. He was placed in a coma for a month's time.

Days Gone Bye[]

When he woke up from the coma, he found out he was the only person alive in the hospital. After walking around, looking for a doctor, he encountered the Zombies for the first time. Rick managed to escape from the building, and walking through his deserted neighborhood, he met Morgan and his son, Duane. Morgan explained Rick what little is known of the apocalypse, and together they looted the police station in town. Rick learned that the government told the citizens to evacuate to the big cities, so he decided to head there and look for his wife and son. Equipped with his uniform and weapons, Rick parted ways, taking a car and driving to Atlanta, alone.[1]

Rick eventually arrived at Atlanta. However, the city was overrun with zombies. After barely escaping from a hoard, Rick was saved by Glenn, a survivor who was scavenging the city. Together, they escaped to the outskirts of the city and Glenn took him to his camp, where Rick fortunately found Lori and Carl, as well as his friend Shane, who was looking over them.[2] Rick came to know the rest of the group and even became a respected figure among them. However, Rick's return stirred up things with Shane, who saw the opportunity to get close to Lori while Rick was in coma. Shane's jealousy increased after Rick started to doubt Shane's "authority" over the survivor camp, which eventually lead to Shane snapping out and almost killing Rick. Rick was saved by his son, Carl, who sneaked up around Shane and shot him in the neck.[3] After Shane's death (and a previous zombie attack which resulted in two other casualties), Rick became the leader of the group, and decided to move the camp and search for a more secure location.[4]

Miles Behind Us[]

On the road, they met Tyreese and his family, and they became friends rather quickly.[4] Still on the road, the pressure of leading the group increased when Lori revealed that she was pregnant.[5] Rick's next shock came when a man named Otis accidentally shot Carl while hunting.[6] Rick snapped and almost killed the man, but Otis told him to take the kid to his farm, where his father could take care of the wound. There, they met Hershel Green and his family. Hershel saved Carl's life and invited the group to stay in the farm while Carl recovered.[7]

However, the relationship with Hershel started to get tense when Rick found out they kept zombies in their barn because they refused to kill them. An incident caused the zombies to break free and kill two members of the Greene family, forcing them to kill the zombies.[8] After the barn was cleared, Rick tried to convince Hershel to let them stay, but Hershel, pointing a gun against Rick's head, demanded them to leave.[9]

Life Inside the Prison[]

Not long after being kicked from the farm, the group encounters what would be their next home: an abandoned prison. They settle in and cohabit with four still alive inmates. In time, Rick even convinced Hershel and his family to move to the prison, after their farm became insecure. But as months went by and Lori's pregnancy progressed, the group still faced tragedy inside the "safety" of the prison. When Tyresse's daughter committed suicide and came back as a zombie (even though she wasn't bitten), Rick decided to go back to the first camp, exhume Shane, and kill the zombified version of his once "friend".[10] The next shock for the group was when Thomas, one of the inmates, started a killing spree. Deeming it too dangerous to leave him alive and too inhuman to leave him to die outside, Rick decided to execute him, setting him as an example of the rule "You kill, You die." [11] However, he broke that rule when he killed Dexter, another inmate, who demanded the group to leave the prison.[12]

This turn of events would only increase Rick's burden, and he snapped when he saw Tyresse making out with Michonne after breaking up with Carol.[13] This discussion escalated quickly into a fist fight and ended up with Rick passing out.[14] When Rick woke up twenty-six hours later, Dale he found out he was not the leader of the group anymore. Instead, they formed a committee with Dale, Rick, Hershel, and Tyresse. Rick accepted the demotion, not before venting all his frustration in front of the group.[15]

War with Woodbury[]

Following the trail of a crashed helicopter, Rick, joined by Glenn and Michonne, headed out of the prison looking for possible survivors. But what they found were enemies, because they ended up in Woodbury, a town of survivors ruled by a the sadistic and perverted Governor who fed strangers to the zombies and used them as entertainment. He left the worst kind of first impression on Rick, empathized when he cut off Rick's hand.[16] The three of them were held hostage until Martínez helped them escape and return to the prison. However, Martínez was just an agent of the Governor, and as soon as they settled again at the prison, he headed back to Woodbury to reveal their location to the Governor. Rick followed and intercepted him before he could reach Woodbury, killing and leaving him for the zombies on the surrounding area. Still, Rick urged his group to be prepared for when The Governor attacked.[17]

Entering Lori's ninth month of pregnancy, she tried to open up about her time with Shane, but Rick refused to let her talk. He knew of the possibility that the baby could be Shane's, but he just ignores it, taking them as the only family he has left.[18] Shortly after, Lori entered in labor, and their baby daughter was born[19], who they called Judith.[20] Weeks passed and things started to feel normal inside the prison, getting used to the new member of the family.

However, it all fell apart quickly, as The Governor found the prison and started attacking them.[21] They managed to repel the first attack without any losses, despite Rick getting shot.[22] They prepared for possible future attacks, but The Governor took Tyreese prisoner while he and Michonned tried to assault him. The Governor used Tyrees to try and force Rick to leave the prison and give it to him, but he killed Tyreese when Rick refused to comply.[23] But The Governor didn't stop there, as he carried out a third and final assault that ended the worst way possible: with a massacre. With the prison no longer secure, Rick and his family were forced to escape while the whole group of survivors fighting off Woodbury's army got massacred. Unfortunately, not even Rick's family was safe, and Lori, carrying Judith in her arms, got shot and fell on top of the baby, suffocating her. The battle ended tragically for both sides: Rick groups got massacred, with only a few surviving and leaving the prison, and The Governor got killed by one of his own men. The remaining Woodbury soldiers took refuge inside the facility, but it was already overrun with zombies.[24]

On the Road[]

Leaving the prison behind, with no other survivor on sight, Rick and Carl ended alone, surviving in the wilds. They found shelter inside a house, but Rick got sick with a fever, leaving Carl scared and alone while his father recovered.[25] Days passed, and Rick recovered physically, but not mentally, because he started hearing Lori's voice through a telephone tube, even though it was disconnected. Unable to leave the memory of his wife behind, Rick took the telephone with him, using it to "speak" with Lori whenever he felt alone.[26] After some time walking alone, they reunited with Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, and other survivors who escaped before The Governor's attack on the prison, with three new members in the group.[27] These newcomers, consisting of Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita, gave them the idea to travel to Washington, D.C., where a team of scientists were working on a cure[28] (something that later turned out to be a lie from Eugene[29]).

One night, while looking for supplies, Rick, Abraham, and Carl got attacked by a group of men who tried to rape the kid. Rick got free from them and brutally murdered them while Carl watched. This night would then place another burden on his conscience, as he felt he was losing his humanity.[30]

Rick continued leading the group, with the addition of Morgan and a priest called Gabriel, toward Washington, facing a new threat: a group of cannibal hunters who kidnapped Dale and ate his leg.[31] Logically, Rick wouldn't let them threat his group, and the hunters ended up being hunted. Rick lead a group to the hunters' lair and brutally murdered them one by one.[32]


On their way to Washington, the group met Aaron, a member of a community that invited Rick and his group to join. Thus, they ended up in the Alexandria Safe Zone: a little neighborhood protected by walls that kept the customs of human society intact. There, Douglas Monroe, the leader of the community, appointed Rick as the Constable of the town, turning into a respected figure in short time.[33] However, his suspicious nature lead him to lose his trust in them, and got involved in the domestic problems of Peter Anderson, a man who seemingly beat his wife and kid, to the point of assaulting the man in his own house.[34] Even though everyone though Rick went mad, his suspicions ended up being true, and the man killed Douglas' wife in retaliation for separating him from his family. Thus, Douglas gave Rick permission to execute the killer.[35] Douglas fell in a deep depression, and claimed Rick was better prepared to be the leader of Alexandria.[36]

No Way Out[]

The noise of a recent battle with some raiders caused Alexandria to get surrounded by a massive horde of zombies.[37] The inhabitant had to reorganize, using fewer houses and rationing their resources. This lead Peter's wife, Jessie, to move to Rick's house and become romantically involved with him.[38] But things wouldn't go right for Alexandria, because the horde breached the walls, swarming the streets and forcing the surviving inhabitants to take refuge inside their houses indefinitely.[39] Trying to get Carl, Jessie, and her son Ron to safety, Rick used the guts of a walker to sneak between the horde and escape Alexandria. However, a frightened Ron caused the horde to detect them and swarm over him and Jessie. To save his son, whose hand was gripped tight by Jessie, Rick had to cut off his girlfriend's hand. On top of that, Carl got shot by a stray bullet that pierced through his right eye, leaving Rick in a desperate attempt to save his son's life, the last close person he has left.[40] He took Carl to Dr. Cloyd, who needed the zombies to stay away from the house. Rick, moved by panic and anger, processed the situation the only way could think of: walking out of the house and single-handedly killing as many zombies as he could, only equipped by his axe. The rest of the inhabitants of Alexandria noticed his effort and joined him in a killing spree that eventually got rid of the whole horde.[41]

A Larger World[]

After taking control of Alexandria, Rick discovers other groups in the area known as Hilltop. Rick makes a deal with Hilltop in exchange for supplies that he would take on a group called the Saviors that had been tormenting them.

The Saviors[]

Rick and his gang successfully take out a group of saviors, but this causes them to come face to face with their leader Negan. Negan isn't happy that they killed his men so in return he kills Glenn with his baseball bat Lucille. Rick decides to plan against Negan by teaming up with the other groups that being Hilltop and The Kingdom run by Ezekiel

All Out War[]

Alexandria and the other groups fight Negan's saviors, and after many bloody battles the war ends with Rick stabbing Negan, but he saves his life in order to set an example on how the new world should work. He locks Negan up for life.

A New Beginning[]

Four years after the war the four groups all live in harmony with a new form of government set in place which is ruled by each individual from their group.

The Whisperer War[]

Rick comes into conflict with a group called the Whisperer's who want to take control of their Land. After many more conflicts they go to war which ends with Rick's group being victorious. Unfortunately during the battle Rick's new wife Andrea gets bit and he has to put her down.

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