Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Direlings
  • Sacred Gypsy Cult
    • Delia
    • Lynelle
  • Neil Lasley
  • Metal Sabbath Goat Cult (First Appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Prof. Clark
  • Prof. Godfrey



  • Ptiiorish Mirror (First Appearance)


Synopsis for 1st story

Ripclaw wakes up a prisoner of the Direling Queen.  She taunts him and begins draining his life essence, but the root Kildare gave him reverses the process.  Kildare teleports him to Washington Square Park and then to NYU in time for him to teach his class.  His lecture is interrupted when his ex-girlfriend, Laura Moonsong Pike, enters and kisses him. She tells him she is working with Australian Aborigines and introduces him to her archaeologist friend.  In Brooklyn, a witch of the Sacred Gypsy Cult recruits a trio of teenage punks called the Metal Sabbath Goat Cult.  Kildare teleports Ripclaw to his shop in Greenwich Village and reveals the origin of the Direling Queen:  created by a lonely mage, she grew in power and attacked a mystical realm.  In response, the mage imprisoned her underground.  She employs human cults to search for the Ptiiorish Mirror so she can use it to escape.  Now, two witches, the Metal Sabbath Goat Cult, and a Direling await outside.  Ripclaw and Kildare go out to confront them, and Kildare magically causes giant hands to form from the street and attack.  Unfortunately, he cannot control them, and one of them briefly attacks Ripclaw.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Ripclaw titled "Last Rites" by Frank Teran.

See Also

Links and References

