Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "One Really Bad Day"

Featured Characters:

  • Dean (Only appearance; dies)

Supporting Characters:


  • Card dealers
  • Frank (Only appearance; dies)
  • Harry the Adulterer (Single appearance)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "One Really Bad Day"

Dean plays poker game, called out by Frank for cheating. Murdered him in a scuffle. Runs away and throws gun in the river. Arrives home to find his wife cheating on him. He's thrown out by the man. He heads to a hotel and falls asleep.

He's women up by police knocking at his hotel door. He makes a break for it out the emergency escape fire stairs. The police break down the door and chase him. As he runs into the street he is hit by a motorcycle and Dies in the street as guys brains bleed out. Sam Burke and Twitch Williams arrive as the officers on the scene.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

