Appearing in 1st story
Featured Characters:
- Daemonites
- armored militia troops
Other Characters:
- Warguard
- Despot
- Doreen Robinson
- Stricture
- Talos
- Wildstorm Universe
- Rwanda
- Skywatch
Synopsis for 1st story
Officially on leave, Battalion sneaks aboard Skywatch and into its cryogenic prison to kill his father, Despot. Meanwhile, Weatherman One interrupts a romantic interlude between Cannon and Diva to summon them to a briefing. She is sending a team led by Cannon to Rwanda to protect a camp of refugees from the Rwandan civil war. Stormwatch teleports down to find the camp destroyed and the refugees massacred. They track down the perpetrators, an ethnic militia wearing armored suits, and easily defeat them. Enraged by the slaughter, Cannon prepares to execute the militia leader, but Diva stops him with a sonic blast. She chastises him for his bloodlust, and he agrees to turn the militia over to the proper authorities. Aboard Skywatch, Battalion finds his father in stasis but decides not to kill him, refusing to become a murderer. Elsewhere, Defile greets his latest operative, the Daemonite shapeshifter Mr. White.
- This issue includes a pin-up of Diva and Cannon by Andy Smith.