Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

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Synopsis for 1st story

Despot questions Timespan, but the time traveler reveals nothing and vanishes.  Battalion, alive in the present, appears and battles his father.  Despot overwhelms him and telepathically learns he faked his death in Hawaii and spent the time since training in the use of his powers in an isolated house in Death Valley.  Battalion strikes back, and Despot retaliates by taking telepathic control of both Stormwatch and the Warguard.  Bendix monitors the conflict from the UN and decides to teleport to the site. Battalion retreats into the wreckage of Skywatch and fights his way through both teams.  He links with the station’s communications grid and uses his powers to sever Despot’s mind control.  Despot attacks again and forces Battalion to relive his past doubts and fears. Battalion retaliates by forcing Despot to relive his own past, including fighting Daemonites with Team One and being mutated by a passing comet aboard Monitor One.  Stunned, Despot apologizes for his actions, but then Bendix arrives and shoots him.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Stormwatch by Terry Shoemaker and Jon Holdredge.

See Also

Links and References

