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Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Fire From Heaven, Chapter 12 of 14"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Crimson
  • Hazard (Alex Hutton) (First Appearance)
  • Maggie Monroe
  • Stormforce
    • Nur Ansari
    • Marcel Bertrand
    • Harv Bowden
    • Rachel Daniels
    • Molly Perkins
    • Ken Tucker
    • Wilson Yee
  • Taboo
  • Danholtz




Synopsis for "Fire From Heaven, Chapter 12 of 14"

Kaizen Gamorra is angry that the heroes didn't leave the island after escaping his prison, and he's worried that with their combined powers they could march into Gamorra City with ease. He contacts General MacAvey at the U.N. to bring Stormwatch back in line. He says that if Stormwatch can't do the job of protecting, then they will (referring to shadowy muscular figures in the background).

Elsewhere, Battalion is discussing the matter with Stormwatch and Stormforce. Fahrenheit doesn't feel right about the mission, but Flashpoint wants blood for whoever took him out from behind (last issue - he doesn't know that it was Battalion). Battalion says he's convinced that there's more than meets the eye to this situation. Then Deathtrap and The Mercs walk in and say they're working for Kaizen Gamorra now. Deathtrap offers a truce and Battalion accepts it for now, over the protests of Hellstrike who has a score to settle with Deathtrap.

On the orbiting Skywatch II station, Weatherman One and Synergy are working with the station's crew to get all the systems back online after the blast from Damocles' cannon on the moon. The crew suggests evacuation but Weatherman is determined not to lose the station.

Back at the battle, Hunter-Killer reinforcements show up to help the Gamorran attack drones. The battle rages for a while and then Lynch collapses due to weakness from his missing Gen-Factor. Suddenly, these enormous robots known as Omnibots join the battle, and things look grim for the heroes. On top of that, Stormwatch appears behind them and Battalion gives orders to take them down but keep them alive for later questioning. Elsewhere on the battlefield, Flashpoint is talking with Deathtrap and Razer as if they are old friends. They seem to have worked out some plan together. At the same time, Battalion and Maul bump into each other, and Maul has a bone to pick with Battalion from their previous meeting (Stormwatch #16). Maul attacks, but Battalion takes him out with a psionic blast.

The battle continues, and Battalion finds himself facing Flashpoint. After taking out Cannon and Fahrenheit, Flashpoint reveals that he plans to take advantage of the confusion of battle to kill Battalion. He says that he's been Deathtrap's partner ever since Kuwait (Stormwatch #0), and has been a secret spy for Deathtrap inside Stormwatch. Razer tells Flashpoint to stop, that this is not part of the plan, but Flashpoint is angry over being passed up for Stormwatch leadership and he's determined to make Battalion pay. They fight, and it looks like Flashpoint has the upper hand, but then Battalion uses a psionic blast to literally explode Flashpoint's head.

Deathtrap is worried because now that Stormwatch knows about Flashpoint's betrayal, the truce will be ended. Deathtrap and Razer are surrounded by Stormwatch troops. Deathtrap attacks but is taken out by Hellstrike. Razer surrenders, saying all the death isn't worth it anymore.

At an airstrip nearby, a plane lands and two Hunter-Killers and Dr. D'oro carry an unconscious man into a laboratory, while Dr. D'oro orders his assistants to prepare batch Hazard-1. He intends to inject nanotechnology into this unconscious man, Alexander Hutton, to create a perfect killing machine that will make the Hunter-Killers obsolete.

Back at the battle, Mother One uses her cyberlink ability to set off the self-destruct mechanisms in some of the Omnibots, but this makes her a prime target for the others. One of her cybernetic arms is blown off, but the heroes use the distraction to finish off the Gamorran robots. Battalion calls a halt to the battle, saying its time everyone had a little talk, but then they hear a sound like thunder. They turn to look, and see an enormous tidal wave bearing down on Gamorra City.



  • The scene introducing Alexander Hutton is a prelude to the short-lived series Hazard which was launched in the wake of "Fire from Heaven".

See Also

Links and References

