Image Comics Database

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • unnamed assassins

Other Characters:




Synopsis for 1st story

Weatherman orders Fahrenheit and Hellstrike to investigate Undertow's death. Jack Hawksmoor assists them as they proceed. Battalion spars with Jenny Sparks to determine the extent of her powers; they far outstrip his own, even enhanced by his equipment. Sunburst and Nautika, demoted to analysts, assist in the investigation and determine that the explosive used in the bomb was only available to U.S. special forces. The team deduces that the security video of Undertow's apartment was edited; Bendix interrogates the building's security chief and discovers the location of the men responsible. The men are apprehended by Hellstrike and Farenheit, and their bodies are dumped in the Oval Office. Bendix threatens a reprisal against the United States.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • StormWatch: Force of Nature trade paperback (1999);
    • StormWatch Volume One hardcover (2012).

See Also

Links and References

