Image Comics Database

Quote1 We deal in so much horror, my friends, that sometimes we forget how human our goal is. We seek to pull hope from terror — Life from death. If we arrive too late, we assume that horror has won. We forget that we do not hold the monopoly on hope. Quote2
-- Fuji

Appearing in the 1st Story

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Andrew Siva (Single appearance)




Synopsis for the 1st Story

Stormwatch Prime is sent to England to investigate the bombing of an airliner. They discover that a number of the corpses have been mutated horribly by Gen-Factor material released from the bombs. The Gen-Factor was rendered gaseous by the explosion and is moving through the countryside towards the town of Little Brook. Stormwatch Prime enters the town, only to find many more victims of the mutagen. They encounter a church that has been completely engulfed by mutated humans; they find that the Gen-Factor's victims had forced themselves together into a shield to protect those few townspeople who had not yet been exposed. After the survivors are evacuated, Weatherman has Hammerstrike fighters destroy the town.

Meanwhile, a Stormwatch analysis team discovers that the mutagenic material has been altered to only create unstable mutations that kill their carriers and identifies its source as Gamorra. Bendix contacts Gamorra only to discover that the real Kaizen Gamorra--previously supplanted by John Colt--has been restored to power. Gamorra mocks Bendix and reveals that the source of his altered Gen-Factor was indeed the American military-industrial complex. Bendix puts Skywatch into "Quiet Storm" mode, deactivating all recording and observation devices on the station and over Gamorra Island. He sends Stormwatch Red to punish Gamorra; Flint and Fahrenheit are instructed to destroy buildings and infrastructure while Rose Tattoo is ordered to kill exactly 233 people--the same number that died in the plane bombing incident.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • StormWatch: Force of Nature trade paperback (1999);
    • StormWatch Volume One hardcover (2012).


See Also



Try Your Luck

