Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "Deadlands"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rostov
  • Silver (First Appearance)
  • Khmer Rouge
  • Soviet Army
    • Khuchev

Other Characters:

  • Trang




Synopsis for "Deadlands"

Rostov and a cadre of Soviet troops arrive in Cambodia.  A Khmer Rouge commander protests, and Rostov telepathically forces him to commit suicide.  Meanwhile, Team 7 take a boat toward their target zone, using their powers to disguise themselves.  As the Soviets try to track them, Rostov orders a psychic woman named Silver to scan using her abilities, but she is violently rebuffed by an unknown force.  Team 7 set off through the jungle and find one of the Khmer Rouge’s mass graves.  As they get closer to the bunker they seek, they telepathically sense a disturbing presence. Skeletons rise from the ground and attack them.  They fend off these zombies but are then swept up in a violent cyclone.  Cash deduces that the force attacking them responds to their mental state.  Lynch orders Team 7 to calm their minds, and the assault ends.  A blind native girl emerges from the jungle and asks what they are doing there.  Lynch assures her they are not targeting the local population.  She says that is good as she is the force that attacks anyone who brings war to the area.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Team 7 by Allen Im and Robert Campanella.

See Also

Links and References

