Image Comics Database
Image Comics Database

Appearing in "House of Fire"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rostov (Death)
  • Silver (Death)
  • Khmer Rouge
  • Soviet Army
    • Khuchev (Death)




Synopsis for "House of Fire"

X’ing X’iang, the blind girl, leads Team 7 to the nuclear missile bunker.  En route, they all use their powers to destroy attacking Soviet helicopters.  Cray and Dane stay behind to hold off the enemy ground troops, but Cray is killed by the Soviet psychic Silver.  Dane tries and fails to use his powers to fend off Rostov.  X’iang takes Cash and Lynch into the bunker, and Lynch sets explosive charges to destroy it.  Cash realizes the Soviets are after Team 7, not the missiles.  The rest of the team fights Silver and Khuchev, another psychic, while Rostov begins to telepathically erase Dane’s mind.  Slayton manifests his psionic tentacles for the first time and kills Khuchev.  Silver overpowers the rest of the team, but X’iang hits her with a psionic blast, causing her to explode.  Cray comes back to life and shoots Rostov in the head, killing him.  U.S. helicopters arrive to extract the team before the charges in the bunker detonate.  With her village wiped out in the battle, X’iang goes with them.


  • This issue includes a pin-up of Team 7 battling Rostov by Chris Warner.

See Also

Links and References

