The Teen Team is a team of teenage superheroes in the world of Invincible. The group is loosely based on DC Comics's Teen Titans.
The original members were Atom Eve, Rex Splode, Dupli-Kate, and their leader Robot. While fighting the super-villains known as the Mauler Twins, they met another teenage superhero named Invincible. Although he never joined them, he remained a loyal ally.[1]
In issue #6, team leader Robot disbanded the team on the eve of his joining the Guardians of the Globe. After the original Guardians were killed, Rex Splode and Dupli-Kate joined Robot in the new Guardians of the Globe. Atom Eve retired from being a superhero to do aid work in Africa. After the events of Invincible Vol 1 50, Robot, Zandale Randolph, Amanda, and Rex would quit Guardians. After the Invincible War, they would return to the Guardians of the Globe.
Teen Team Members[]
See Teen Team for a list of all characters listed in the Teen Team category.Paraphernalia
- Flying vehicles