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Appearing in 1st story

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  • Tyreese's hammer


  • Dale's RV

Synopsis for 1st story

Reprinted from The Walking Dead #7

In front of Shane's grave, Lori remembers a passionate night she had with him in the outskirts of Atlanta. That night, Lori was worried about how she left Rick alone at the hospital three weeks after his coma, and Shane comforted her. Even with that memory in her head, Lori just stands in front of the cross they set up for Shane's grave and spits at it.

Back at the camp, Dale lets Rick know that everyone at the camp was a bit wary about Shane, and they followed his orders because he was a cop. With him gone, Dale proposes Rick to be the new leader, which he accepts. Dale then tells Rick that, according to Andrea's calendar, the following day would be Christmas. Immediately, Rick urges him to not let anyone know, so they don't upset the kids for not having any present this year.

The following day, everyone picks up the camp and are ready to go. Packed up inside Dale's RV, they hit the road soon, and while they clear the road of some abandoned cars, they see three strangers approaching them. These people introduce themselves as Tyreese, accompanied by his daughter, Julie, and her boyfriend, Chris. Rick's group welcome them and share some food, but Lori is not happy about Rick inviting a stranger to sleep with the group. However, Tyreese accepts to sleep inside of one of the abandoned cars.

In the morning, Rick gets to know more about Tyreese, who tells him that he had to kill a man who attempted to rape his daughter. Shocked at first, Rick tells him to not beat himself up over it, but Tyreese replies that he does not because he killed that man, but because he doesn't feel bad about it. Suddenly, they see two "roamers" at a distance, and they get down from the RV and get rid of them with melee weapons, Rick with an ax, and Tyreese with his hammer.

Days pass, and the group becomes friends with Tyreese, specially Carol. One night while sitting on a bonfire and eating together, Lori gets up and walks a few steps away from them. Rick walks to her and asks what's wrong, to which she replies she's pregnant.

Solicit Synopsis

As winter sets in, Rick and the survivors discover that the walkers all around them are the least of their worries. Plus, the first appearance of Tyreese, and the debut of new series artist, CHARLIE ADLARD! This guy’s got a real future![1]

See Also

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