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Quote1 The barn? You don't want to go in there, trust me. That's where we keep all our dead ones. Quote2
Hershel Greene

Appearing in 1st story

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Other Characters:



  • Dale's RV

Synopsis for 1st story

After Carl got, Rick snaps and threatens the shooter, until Tyreese stops him saying Carl is still alive. Feeling guilty, the stranger tells them that there's a farm nearby where the boy can be looked and patched by the owner, who has experience with accidents like this. Rick covers Carl on his jacket to stop the bleeding and runs along the man to the farm, while Tyreese goes to the RV to tell everyone about what happened. Rick arrives at the farm and they let the farm owner look at Carl immediately. He watches as the doctor operates on Carl, but he walks out to receive the worried Lori, along with the rest of the group. The doctor, introducing himself as Hershel Greene, lets them know that Carl will be okay. Hershel then introduces them to his whole family, and Lacey gives the group a tour of the farm while Rick and Lori stay with Carl. Allen, still mourning his wife, decides to stay in the house, leaving his sons with Andrea.

Later, Andrea talks to Allen and tells him to stop shutting himself off and think about his kids. Allen gets mad about her intrusion and engage in a heated discussion, which creates a rift between them.

While Lori and Rick sleep in Carl's room, Hershel let's them know that their son is awake, and the family reunites with joy. Tyreese walks in to give him his hat back, and tells Rick to talk to Otis, the shooter, so he doesn't feel so guilty. But Rick responds deeming him as "irresponsible" and "careless," saying he just can't let it go. Carol then enters the room with Sophia and let's the children have some time to talk. Sophia tries to flirt with Carl, saying he'll be "sexy" for having a scar, and then kisses him in the cheek. Carl, in his childish innocence, gets disgusted.

Outside, Dale approaches Lori and suggest her that, if her baby is Shane's instead of Rick's, she better keep the secret from Rick to avoid giving him another cause for worry, putting the group's stability at risk. Lori listens and doesn't say a word, and Dale leaves, saying dinner is ready.

The Greene family and the guests have dinner together. From one side of the table, Glenn looks at Carol and Tyreese with sad, jealous eyes, and Maggie, Hershel's daughter, notices it. They talk talk later that night, and Glenn confesses that he always had his eyes on Carol before Tyreese came to the group, and how he is worried about ending up alone, without many girls around to hook up with and have sex. Glenn apologizes for being so awkwardly honest, but Maggie responds that she'll have sex with him if he wants. She also confesses Glenn is the first guy she meets that is not related to her, and both agree that they need to be "proactive" if they don't want to end up alone. And thus they start a relationship.

Around the house, Tyreese confronts hi daughter, Julie about her relationship with Chris, saying that he doesn't want to have to worry about them "fooling around all the time" on top of all the other things going on. When Tyreese leaves, Chris reminds Julie that they need to go ahead with their plans if they want to be together "for the rest of eternity," and Julie replies that she wants to do it when the time is right.

While watching the horses, Hershel invites Rick to live at the stables while Carl heals. Rick asks about the barn, which is bigger for the whole group, and Hershel replies that they wouldn't want to move there: that's where they keep their dead.

Solicit Synopsis

After the ordeal Rick has endured last issue, he sets out to find safer shelter. More is learned about the zombies that now out-number us 5000 to 1, but when it comes to some things, it's better not to know. Rick begins to wonder if there is a light at the end of the tunnel his life has become. Even if there is, how can he ever expect to make it there?


See Also

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